E-mini ES 2019/04/22

Bear gap, mid range, SC, bull CH, CXT, DB
check out the increasing bodies – Buying Pressure  during the spike from the open, this means buying pressure and very likely more up
there was also a magnet a couple of points above the end of the spike, COY

daily chart
Always In Long (AIL) since 03/29
Confirming entry bar (EB) for the bulls, buy above
a confirming EB strengthens a weak signal bar

E-mini ES 2019/04/17 #ES_F #emini #sp500 #spx

Bull gap, mid range, T1B, 1Tail, SCL2, CXT, bear CH, WfBO, mDT
T1B – trend from the 1st bar, spike & channel day

daily chart
Always In Long (AIL) since 03/29
4th trend channel line (TCL) overshoot and another close back below the TCL
bears needed a close below Monday low to switch to Always In Short (AIS)
we closed right at that 😉
aggressive bulls buy the close for a small CXT
CXT = kinda expanding triangle, a pullback in a CH, that takes out a minor LH/HL, examples see here

E-mini ES 2019/04/09 #ES_F #emini #sp500 #spx

bear gap, mid range, SX, fBO LOY, bull CH, 1TL, fL3, 1CHBO, bear CH, CXT
bulls tried the same as yesterday, fading a bear BO with a bull CH
spike and reverse channel – a classic

after a spike there is often a channel, but this channel doesn’t have to be necessarily in the direction of the spike
the spike can also act as a trading range and the reverse channel starts from a 1st or 2nd failed breakout of that spike (the trading range)
the target is the other end of the spike (the origin)

daily chart
Always In Long (AIL) since 03/29
again buyers below the prior bar and Thursday’s gap price
round number 2900 is still looming, but a whisker is missing on the future as well as on the index

E-mini ES 2019/04/05 #ES_F #emini #sp500 #spx

bull gap, Opening Range, 1fBO, bear CH, CXT, fBO, SC, bull CH
buyers of the 1fBO (the breakout test of HOY) needed to wait until one bar before the close to get 2x their Initial Risk (IR)
trading range day

daily chart
Always In Long (AIL) since 03/29
buyers above the inside bar (IB), breakout pullback of last week high
round number 2900 looming