E-mini ES 2018/06/15

bear gap, below LOY, T1B, fH2, TRI, fBO TRI, BP TRI, SC, spike and inverse CH (poss.)
after an initial overshoot 2774 (see Wednesday comment) provided nice support for the afternoon spike

daily chart
bull RVB as the EB for the IOI, gap with COY stayed open
doji close on the weekly bar

E-mini ES 2018/06/11

Continuation, bear CH, MC, H3, 1CHBO, BP, SC, fH2, LH MTR, 1tF BT
b1 is a misplaced RVB

daily chart
gap close (and BT) with the SB of the LH MTR from 03/12
Brs at the OOD fought for a bull C in the last couple of minutes