What do the signals mean?

What do the signals mean?

The easiest way to put it: red = sellers and  green = buyers

Possible Momentum Signals (acceleration)

Momentum traders bet that an asset price that is moving strongly in a given direction will continue to move in that direction until the trend loses strength. Source: FXCM.com

increasing bull bodies in a bull move
buying pressure
increasing bear bodies in a bear move
selling pressure
decreasing lower tails in a bull move
buying pressure
decreasing upper tails in a bear move
selling pressure
decreasing upper tails in a bull move
buying pressure
decreasing lower tails in a bear move
selling pressure
decreasing overlap in a bull move
buying pressure
decreasing overlap in a bear move
selling pressure
buyers on the close of the prior bar in a bull move
buying pressure
sellers on the close of the prior bar in a bear move
selling pressure
decreasing lower tails
increasing bull bodies
buying pressure
confluence of multiple signals
increasing bear bodies
decreasing overlap
selling pressure
confluence of multiple signals

Possible Exhaustion Signals (deceleration)

Exhaustion is a situation in which a majority of participants trading in the same asset are either long or short, leaving few investors to take the other side of the transaction when participants wish to close their positions. For example, if everyone has already bought, when those people want to sell there will be no more buyers to sell to which will cause the price to fall. Source: Investopedia

shrinking bull bodies in a bull move (outlined icon)
selling pressure
shrinking bear bodies in a bear move (outlined icon)
buying pressure
shrinking bull bodies in a bull move (outlined icon) and possible Volume Divergence
selling pressure
shrinking bear bodies in a bear move (outlined icon) and possible Volume Divergence
buying pressure
increasing upper tails in a bull move
selling pressure
increasing lower tails in a bear move
buying pressure
increasing lower tails in a bull move
selling pressure
increasing upper tails in a bear move
buying pressure
increasing overlap in a bull move (outlined icon)
selling pressure
increasing overlap in a bear move (outlined icon)
buying pressure
sellers on the close of the prior bar in a bull move
selling pressure
buyers on the close of the prior bar in a bear move
buying pressure
increasing lower tails
increasing overlap
selling pressure
confluence of multiple signals
increasing lower tails
shrinking bear bodies
buying pressure
confluence of multiple signals

How to install the TrueType font for the Buy Sell Pressure Indicator

If your chart looks like this you’re missing our special TrueType font.



The Buy Sell Pressure indicator uses a special TrueType font to display it’s icons. This special TrueType font is contained in the “PriceActionFont.zip” file.   Download here.


  1. Download the “PriceActionFont.zip” file from the indicator page and open it
  2. Unpack the PriceActionFont.zip to some location on your computer
  3. Double click on the file “priceaction.ttf” (the TrueType font file) to be installed in Windows
(Don’t install this zip file using NinjaTrader, it will not work.)


(If you want to uninstall the font later, just use the Windows Control Panel.)



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