E-mini ES 2019/05/30

Bull gap, mid range, Opening Range, 1P, DT, XT, fBO, LL MTR

all reads in hindsight, as there was a public holiday here in Germany and I took the day off

daily chart
Always In Short (AIS) since 05/20
going above HOY triggered a fBO after the BO below 05/13
today is the EB for that fBO, but a weak doji, bulls need more
today might end up as a BP/BT of the BO level

E-mini ES 2019/05/24

Bull gap, above HOY, fBO, bear CH, CXT, 1TL, 1IB, fL2, HL MTR

we opened just below resistance and formed a nice RVB (b2)
the large OL with b1 and the weak EB made some CH PA likely
then we had three text book CH setups – CXT1TL, 1IB – very nice

LOD formed after a BT of yesterdays shallowest bear TL

daily chart
Always In Short (AIS) since 05/20
another bear body, but weak close (above mid)
bears are still on their DT LH from 05/16
bulls still work on their DB (yesterday) and possible HL MTR