E-mini ES 2019/12/06

Bull gap, above HOY, bull MC, 1P, BT, XT, mDB, SHS, L2, LH MTR

bull CH, bear CH and LH MTR on the re-test of the gap price (3150.25)
there was also nice Selling Pressure at that price (shrinking bull bodies in a bull move and a 5tF), the 2nd red circle

E-mini S&P 500 Future 5 min chart (trend lines, arrows and boxed text drawn by hand)

daily chart
Always In Long (AIL) since today

gap close, 2nd push up from Tuesday’s RVB

Continue reading “E-mini ES 2019/12/06”

E-mini ES 2019/12/02

Continuation, T1B, 1P, fEB, SC, 1CHBO, inv. SHS, DB, HL MTR, XT, BT
bear spike and channel

the 1st B on the RVB at bar 8 occurs right after a sell climax (the largest bear bar of the day), a reasonable buy despite 7 bars down before
but watch out for a failure of the bulls and exit your long, if that happens, here we got a 21 tick failure and a close just below the bear TL on the EB for that RVB
bulls exit at the close of the EB and bears S that lmt C

E-mini S&P 500 Future 5 min chart (trend lines, arrows and boxed text drawn by hand)

daily chart
Always In Short (AIS) since today

Bear BO, gap close, probably get FT down

Continue reading “E-mini ES 2019/12/02”

E-mini ES 2019/10/24

Bull gap, above HOY, fBO, T1B, DB, XT, DT, mDB, mDT, TRI
Brs at the OOW

Nice Buying Pressure (Buyers on the close of the prior bar and shrinking bear bodies) in that bear spike from the Double Top Lower High when we got close to support (the Open of the week).

E-mini S&P 500 Future 5 min chart (trend lines, arrows and boxed text drawn by hand)

daily chart
Always In Long (AIL) since 10/10
Sellers Above the High of the week, another bear Signal Bar for a SE below tomorrow
it has a weak close though